Vishwajeet has recently started a Real Estate Marketing Advisory called as Propsetu to assist Small and Medium Size Real Estate Companies to build robust Marketing and Sales setups.
This is Your Virtual CMO.
Working with Poddar Housing And Development Ltd, a listed company from February 2010 to March 2019. He set up the entire Sales and Marketing Division where he was the pioneer in strategized launches of four Affordable Housing projects.
After exceeding company targets the company sold a total of 5500 units or 98% of the inventory was sold and possession is already given for 5000+ units.
Tie ups with HFCs, getting customer-centric Home Loan schemes and getting incremental pricing for the inventory on sale are some of my key achievements.
His Key Strengths are to Identify the right Target Group for the product or service, Optimum utilization of resources, He exudes Strong Interpersonal skills and has a 100% Transparent and ethical working style .