Dr. Rajani Patil

Dr. Rajani Patil

Dr. Rajani Patil is a Spine and Sports Physiotherapist specialist with 20 years of clinical experience and the Founder of Orthosports Physiotherapy. She believes in the prevention of health issues and provides guidance regarding the same. Dr. Patil is a proponent of a healthy lifestyle that includes proper footwear, systemic exercises, and nutrition. She is a mother of two, loves to trek, travel, read and be in the midst of nature whenever time permits.

Her expertise and associations:

Doctor of Physical Therapy, A.T. Still University, USA
Certified McKenzie Practitioner, Cert. MDT
Maitland Manual Therapist, USA
Sports injury & rehab, NASMI, USA
Wellness Professional, AFPA, USA
Expert advisory board/content writer – Krunch Today, Cricket graph, Mumbai Mom
Sports Fitness specialist – Mumbai Road Runners, Striders, Adidas, Puma, Presidency golf club, Bayside sports academy, KSA academy
Ergonomics consultant- Manipal Hospital, MyCare wellness
Life Member- IAP