Christian Farioli

CEO, Digital Marketing Lecturer & Digital Transformation Advisor

He has Spoken at 30+ International conferences, including GOOGLE and NASA. He is a Digital Marketing & Social Media Strategist & Disruptor Pioneer since 2003. He has received 12 Awards, including Oracle Innovation Award, Microsoft Artificial Intelligence award. He has Trained 5000+ marketing managers across 4 continents. He has been Endorsed by 50+ top executives

The Keys of Knowledge

▪️The concept today is Social Selling and one of the best platforms to sell ourselves digitally is You Tube
▪️Social Selling is used by business owners, individuals.
▪️Business owners use You Tube as a face to generate leads for themselves and their businesses
▪️Breaking the Ice in You Tube is done by sharing content – the more we share it implies the more we care and inturn others will care for us. A simple adage is “Sharing is Caring”
▪️Share content that is good for the audience and then slowly make changes as per the perspective of the audience
▪️ Advertising and Marketing organizations will thrive. The ones that are digital today will definitely survive tomorrow
▪️In You Tube, prefect doesn’t work anymore. People appreciate reality and emotions do matter (Eg: Group on CEO doing Yoga in front of the Christmas Tree)
Have a proper plan because you are your own organization
Captivate your audience by having a strong online persona
The content should contain the solutions of the basic problems that your target audience will have. This is because People search on You Tube before going to the doctor.
Upload as many videos as possible and if possible try to time them so that it doesn’t spam your target audience.
A perfect structured video is not required. However quality of video does matter.
 Ask questions and then request your audience to subscribe.
Make video selfies and try having a panoramic mode while shooting the video
Even with videos with bigger ppts, ensure you have your face in them.
Let your video be an amalgamation of serious and funny matter. Audience would love it.
Upload videos with title and keep it in sync with what “people usually search for”
Your videos should have the same uniform descriptions as what you have started with.
Tag your video so that it becomes the preferred sought video.
Start promoting videos with known people and ask them to like and subscribe your videos.
Distribute your videos on other social media platforms.
Facebook will never show link, so it ia better to upload the Video accordingly.
Send videos to the right audience, because they will watch videos till the end and there’s when You Tube will deem whether your video is preferred or not.
At the end of video, have your call to action, as in Like or Subscribe the videos.
Cross promote and collaborate with other You Tubers. However, don’t spam them.
If you are writing a Blog, kindly include the link of your videos at the end. Likewise, don’t spam the videos of other bloggers.
Ask questions to the audience and also answer them accordingly
Mention about the next video in your existing videos
Comment on other videos and comment sensibly.
Grow Channel Organically
By mentioning a good comment, you are looked upon as a person who cares.
It’s all about Speed and not being big. Remember The fast fish is much more effective and efficient than the big fish
Cover Geographic Areas for business sensibly